Thank you Vicks VapoRub  for sponsoring this post. While this was a sponsored opportunity from Vicks VapoRub, all content and opinions expressed are my own.


Paging Dr. Rach!

Okay, I’m TOTALLY not a doctor!  BUT other mothers are constantly asking me for my advice on tackling a tough cough when my boys are sick, so I’d figure I can give ya my two cents about what works for our family. I’m always saying the same thing, put a chicken bone under your child’s pillow, say the secret password “Flip-Flop,” and the cough is magically gone in the morning. Kidding! The honest truth is that when my kids are sick, I feel a little sick as a mom too. I want my boys to feel their best, but when they don’t, I try my best to help them get better fast. I’m sure there are more complicated fancy remedies out there, but I’ve got to say, I use my tried and true Vicks VapoRub that never fails.  

I’ve teamed up with my fav cough remedy Vicks VapoRub to help other moms out there get their special little ones back to their active, happy selves ASAP!  

Here are my 6 keys to beating a terrible cough:

WASH THOSE HANDS: Ford is still in the thumb-sucking stage of life, he’s also in the cuddle with mommy stage of life, so it ain’t all bad. While thumb-sucking is perfectly normal for kids his age (4 years old), it’s also paramount that I make sure that Ford washes his hands, because those germs spread!

EAT HEALTHY: I know that when the boys are sick, it’s tempting to want to cave and only give them comfort foods. A cookie or two is totally cool with me, (not four or five, like you see them trying to steal in the photo!) I still want to keep their meals relatively healthy. I make sure they have something green, like cucumbers or broccoli along with their hardy soup or pasta. This helps because when the body is sick, it needs more calories to function normally.

COVER THAT COUGH: Let’s face it, little kids cough and sneeze EVERYWHERE! That’s why you can never start too early teaching your kids about germs, hygiene, and how to cough properly. Make it fun! Show the family all together. Optional: make up a dorky cough dance to make it a party! Make sure you’re leading by example, whenever you sneeze or cough use your sleeve (not your hands!) to cover your mouth.

KEEP THEM HOME WHEN THEY’RE SICK: It’s vital to keep a child at home when they are sick. I know that other moms have different stances on this issue and per usual, I always say, you do you! BUT moms on both sides of this debate agree that the severity of the children’s illness matters. I’m of the belief that it’s better for my kid to kick it at home so they can get better without getting other children sick.

EXTRA REST: Sleep is always a must, but when my boys are sick, it’s even more necessary for their bodies to recharge. Sleep helps our bodies fight infections and improves our immune system. I put some Vicks VapoRub on the boys’ chests, which provides instant cough relief and has been my go-to cough suppressant. Vicks VapoRub contains medicated vapors that enter the nose and mouth to help soothe a cough and may be used up to three times daily. The vapors also last up to 8 hours. Which is great to help get in those extra Z’s!

 STAY ACTIVE: Use your discretion here, I let my boys be active because 1.) They are boys and I can’t stop them. 2.) Once their cough gets a little better some physical activity can actually help kill many viruses. The key to exercising when you’re sick is to do so carefully. Over-exercising will place more stress on your kid’s body, which can suppress their immune system, so try to police it.

I wanna hear about your go-to remedy! I’m hosting a Facebook Party February 16th at 9 pm EST/6 pm PST on The Chic Site Facebook Page! Join our online hangout and tell us about your go-to cough remedies! 

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