Have a Company Clothing SwapThere are a lot of ladies who work at Chic HQ.

In fact, there are eight of us here at the office and though each of us has a different style we all have one thing in common… a constant desire to clean out our closets. Seriously, I can’t count the number of times we’ve been sitting around the lunch table and someone will mention that they cleaned out their closet and pulled clothes to give to Goodwill and then everyone else will lament that they need to do that too.

So, that gave me an idea. What if we hosted a Clothing Swap Party at work? What if we invited everyone to bring the clothes they don’t wear anymore and then we traded with each other? This means that we were all forced to clean out our closets (finally!) and we all got a bunch of new clothes (totally free!) and when we were done we loaded it all up and made a big donation to our local Goodwill. It was awesome! Check out details below to see how you can host your own clothing swap party.

Clothing SwapWe started our clothing swap party by sending out a mass email with the details. You can do this for your office, your group of friends, your book club or even your bible study. We told everyone the specifics: What to bring (things that you’d still wear, nothing too old or worn out), What not to bring (Yes to shoes, clothes, accessories. No to bathing suits, underwear and lingerie… um, that would just be weird), Date and Time. We also sent a reminder the night before and the morning of, so that nobody forgot to bring their items and felt left out.

Lay Out Clothing for Company SwapThe morning of our party, we laid out everything on our conference table and gave everyone a few minutes to check out the merchandise.

Clothing Swap The Chic Site

Next, we drew numbers from a jar to decide the order people got to select their clothing in… after all, a clothing swap party has to be fair and orderly. 😉

Draw Numbers for Clothing Swap

Then, we went in numerical order and each selected an item from the stash. Some items were super hot commodities (Lululemon clothes, blazers and accessories are the ones I remember) and after several rounds everyone was allowed to just go ahead and grab what they wanted. It was fun to learn who’s clothing you’d picked. Also, if you do have any men on staff they can totally join in the fun by choosing some items for their girl… it was pretty hilarious watching Jack try and figure out what his girlfriend would like. 

Chic Team Clothing Swap