
Every holiday season, between company parties and gifts, we tend to acquire 39 new bottles of champagne. Ok, that number isn’t exact, but it’s pretty close. When we get the champagne I always admire it and then put it in the wine fridge saying something like “we’ll use this the next time we have something to celebrate.” Only, that wine fridge is getting fuller and fuller and I still keep forgetting to bust out the champagne on a special occasion.

So when our team moved into the new #ChicHQ I decided to bring some champagne to the office to store in our fridge. And then I thought, wouldn’t it be great to put labels on each champagne bottle as a reminder of when we’re going to celebrate with this??

For us it might be the day Party Girl comes out or when we get 500,000 viewers to the site in a single month but for you it might be when you lose that last 10 pounds or when you get promoted at work, or even better, when your son is finally potty trained! We tend to run right by all these things we’re achieving without commemorating them properly, so if you’ve got some champagne in your fridge like I do, make yourself some tags as a reminder of the goal and the celebration that follows it!

Things to Celebrate…

– Losing Weight

– New Responsibility, Pay Raise or Promotion at Work

– An Anniversary: It doesn’t have to be romantic. How about celebrating a special friendship when it reaches a big milestone?

– Surviving the first year of parenting: or really ANY other parenting achievement!

– Finishing your project: For me it was writing a book like I’d always wanted to, but your project is whatever is important to YOU.

– Buying your first fill-in-the-blank: car, home, villa in the south of France. You worked hard for that people, let’s celebrate!

If you like this idea, you can also adapt it as a gift for someone else like I did for my sister’s Bridal Shower Gift.